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The Royal Borough of Greenwich is inviting people to tell them what's important and should be in the Greenwich cultural strategy.


They use high level strategies to decide where to invest money and time. Often the loudest voices get heard. 


If you think saving the White Swan as a music venue is really important then the more people who tell them that the more chance that they will listen and take action. They have put an online form with eleven questions to answer:



Here are the question and some points for your response by 31 January. 



Do you work in the arts, culture, heritage sector as a freelancer or within an organisation? If you work in the sector, we have a few more questions about your work so that we can find out more about what cultural workers and organisations need.



Please tell us which of the following kinds of art, cultural or creative activity you enjoy the most? Knowing what you enjoy will help us develop our strategy and what more we can do to support you even more. (Select up to 3 options)



What is your favourite way of taking part in creative or cultural activities? (Select up to 3 options)



How often do you take part in creative or cultural activity, such as attend or play in a live gig, go to an event, a gallery or museum, local festival or arts event? This also includes any creative or cultural activities you might do at home. 



Where do you access cultural activity, like arts, heritage, theatre and music in the borough? (Tick all that apply)


The White Swan is not listed as an option - but yu can add it in the other section.


Other The White Swan Charlton



How would you describe arts and heritage in our borough? 


Charlton recognised and invested in as Greenwich's musical centre. Give your personal example!


The White Swan our thriving live music venue has been exploited and destroyed by overseas developers and i'd like to see the council prioritise the music generated here in Charlton.


Its time for Greenwich council to recognise Charlton's unique music history and fight to save the White Swan as a community music venue with the Council prioritising this community led cultural regeneration of Charlton - so out community music can thrive.



Which aspects of arts and heritage in the borough do you value most, and why?



Please share up to three creative, artistic, heritage or cultural ideas that you would like to see happening in Royal Greenwich in the next 3 years. Be ambitious!


Save The White Swan by obtaining the venue and creating a music charity aimed at bringing supporting kids from deprived neighbourhoods to break into the music

economy in London.


9 What are your three actions

Save the White Swan

Acquire the Building

Create a Music Charity with the local community

Support Children and schools to have a shared music economic plan



Please tell us your vision for arts, culture and heritage in the Royal Greenwich?


Live music accessible to normal people that we want to listen to in our neighbourhood.



As part of the development of the Culture Strategy we may choose to record interviews with members of the local community or arts, cultural or heritage sector. Would you consider taking part in these interviews?

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